

уторак, 10. јун 2014.


These chucks are made for walkin', and that's just what they'll do.../
Ove starke su za stvorene za hodanje, i to je upravo ono što će one činiti...
park / park
...on the grass/
...na travi

still park, but concrete part / i dalje  park, samo beton
...off the grass/
...izvan travnatog dela :P

downtown / centar

...on these things....whatever they are/
...na ovim stvačicama.....šta god one bile..

Are you ready chucks? Start walkin' !!! /
Starke, jeste li spremne? Krenite !!!

(Nancy Sinatra - These boots are made for walkin' - good song, keeps me inspired and motivated, check it out)

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