

четвртак, 24. јул 2014.

INFINITE & BLOCK B *kpopthursday/kpopčetvrtak*

Hey, guys, it's Kpop Thursday! Wooohooo,yeah....uhm!!!! . . . (Am I the only one excited here...?)
Let's jump into it... (I am afraid that this one is gonna be a longER one)
Last week I said that I was really looking forward to Infinite's comeback. OMG. They didn't disappoint me... Let's start with that. So, you guys have seen the teaser last Thursday, and today we have a complete MV. Fasten your seat belts! 
Eeee, drugari, vreme je za kpopčetvrtak! Uuuuhuuuu, da, da...mhm!!! . . . (jesam li ja jedina uzbudjena zbog toga...?)
Krećemo... (bojim se da će ovo biti poduži post)
Prošle nedelje rekoh da jedva čekam novu pesmu od Infinite, podelih i tizer, a sada imamo i spot. Vežite se!

First - Story line of the mv --- Some  bad dudes kidnapped the good guy's sister and...yeah...they need to save her. Lots of fighting scenes. There's no clear end of the story, but I guess Infinite won. On the other hand, lyrics aren't really connected to a story, which is nothing new, cause...Kpop. They want their girl(s) back, that's all. BUT, people, let's just take a moment to appreciate  how gorgeous they are. Every member is looking gooood. My favorite, ofc, is Dongwoo (3:27 - Oh, director, why you didn't give him more screen time, WHY?). Anyway, I like the Russian alphabet/letters usage, cause it's similar to Serbian alphabet "Ćirilica"  or "Ћирилица" (Cyrillic script). Look closely and you will see a pink sign with "бесконечный" on it, which mean "infinite" in English(0:54). Cool. Also, somehow I saw something even more interesting...I saw this, it may be a part of some written word on the wall, but...yeah...it does looks like SERB, doesn't it? (at 2:25,I see one more 'serb' on that wall... note: I usually don't watch kpop mv's so thoroughly, but interestingly that thing caught my attention...).
Pre svega - priča videa je sledeća--- neki loši momci kindapovaše sestru jednog od dobrih momaka, pa će oni, jelte, da je spasu. Mnogo scena tuče, čega nisam neki fan, ali hajde. Ni kraj nije u potpunosti jasan, ali pretpostavimo da su Infinite pobedili. Što se tiče teksta, nije povezan sa spotom, ali to je, recimo... normalno u kpopu. Poenta je da se obraćaju devojci, i mole je da se vrati...klasika. ALI, ljudi, hajde da izdvojimo trenutak da se divimo koliko su divni. Svaki član izgleda super, ali  Dongwoo je Dongwoo (3.27 - šteta što je dobio tako malo kadrova). U svakom slučaju, jeste li primetili ruska slova, to mi se dopalo, jer liči na našu ćirilicu. Ako bolje pogledate, primetićete i rozi znak na kom piše "бесконечный", kao beskonačni - kao Infinite (0.54). Ali zapazila sam nešto još interesantnije... može biti da u pitanju samo deo neke reči napisane na zidu, ali meni se čini da vidim SERB na 2.25, i to čak dva puta napisano (inače, nisam baš neko ko traga za najsitnijim detaljima, ali eto, ovo mi je zapalo za oko).

Vocals - even rap members are really good singers. Props to them. Oh, and fashion - black is always  the right choice, they're like perfect models for gang-ish attires. And the blue... costumes...good, not bad, stylish. There are two more moments to appreciate: 1. Dongwoo's haircut, and 2. Dance - believe me, when they perform it on stage, it looks awesome. Sadly, the MV doesn't show much of it.  Loooove them!
Vokali - čak i reperi iz grupe pevaju odlično. Bravo, bravo. A stajlinzi - crna je uvek pravi izbor. Savršeni su modeli za tu vrstu banda-mode. A plavi kostimi, nisu loši, dobri su, stajliš. Još su dva momenta kojima ćemo se diviti: 1. Dongwoova frizura, i 2. Ples-koreografija - verujte mi, izgleda super kad je izvode na stejdžu. Nažalost, malo plesnih scena je prikazano u spotu. Divnoća su.

And check this out. This is Summer in a video. Block B is baaaack. After 9 months, finally, the goofy ones are back. They had their problems, but now they're ready for a new start. So, the tittle song is 'Her', like "that girl", but also, in Korean, there is a...let's say - slang word 'Heol' (pronunciation is similar to 'Her', and it has different meanings in different situations), but basically, it means... something like 'What the...". So when the guys see pretty or attractive girl, they're like - Heeeoool!!! The MV is so colorful, at the end of it, you'd be like - heol, what have I just saw! They change the outfits, props, and scenography, in a sec, so it's really hard for the eye to catch every detail. And Ostrich - why u so cute? :)))) Block B are such derps, you can't not love them. Just look at those faces and body movements...kkkkkk... crazy people. Chorus goes: "Jesus, there's no need for words. Everyone calls you a work of art. Just a little bit of you...." So cheesy and stupid, but they mean it. Zico's fast rapping...amazing. Ukwon's sweet voice, and P.O's deep baritone and the red/pink hair ofc... dashing!!!
A pazite sad ovo. Ovo je leto u videu. Block B su se vratili. Posle 9 meseci, konačno, ludaci su se vratili. Imali su neke probleme, ali su spremni za novi početak. Naslov pesme je "Her", kao "ta devojka", ali foraa je u tome što na korejskom postoji jedna, recimo, sleng reč "Heol", izgovara se 'Hol', pa zvuči slično kao Her - ima više značenja i izgovora, u zavisnosti od situacije. Na srpskom bi to bilo nešto kao 'Vau' (dobro da, to je engleska reč, ali mi je isto koristimo da izrazimo osećanja). U ovom slučaju, kada momci primete lepu i zgodnu devojku, u fazonu su Hoool...akcenat na o. Spot je dosta šaren, na kraju ćete se pitati - Hol, šta sam ovo upravo pogledao :).  Menjaju odeću, rekvizite, scenografiju u  sekundi, pa je prilično teško za oko da pohvata sve detalje. A noj - presladak je. BlockB su pravi krelci, ne možete da ih ne volite. Samo pogledajte te face, i pokrete....kkkkkk...ludi ljudi. E a refren ide: 'Isuse, nema potrebe bilo šta reći. Svi te zovu umetničkim delom'... Prostački i glupo, ali oni su ozbiljni. Zikovo brzo repovanje...rispekt. Jukvonov mili glas, i Piov duboki bariton, divota...i crvena-roza kosa, naravno!!!

This girls are  back with "Touch my body". I won't say a word, except they're my favorite kpop girl group. Girls of "Sistar" know singing, dancing, being cute and sexy. The can pull off any concept. Enjoy.
Ove devojke su se vratile sa pesmom Touch my body. Neću reći ništa, osim da su mi omiljena ženska kpop grupa. Sistar znaju i pevanje, i ples, i da budu slatke i seksi. Mogu izvesti uspešno bilo koji koncept. Uživajte.

Until next Thursday...xoxoxoxox
Do sledećeg četvrtka...xoxoxoxox

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