

понедељак, 5. јануар 2015.

I N T R O 2015

.... aaaandddddd I'm back!!!
woot woot woooooooooooghhghghghghtkgfkfgjld*coughcough*t!

Lovelies... Looloobabes... Loolooboos, aren't you curious what 2015 will bring...?
I am.
Extremely curious!

What if this happens?
 What if that happens?
Oh, possibilities - little sparkles of life! Find us!
Make us find you!!!


I'll start 2015 with this (most likely the last one) #motivmon post:

... even tho #motivmon is going to be part of looloosworld's (blog's) history,
I hope you guys wont forget to keep reminding yourselves how great you are, and how great you can be!
Stay motivated people!
It's a must!

Also, I was thinking about making a little change related to #KpopThursday's.
Instead of waiting for Thursdays to post about latest kpop stuff, I'll turn #kpopthursday into a #kweek. 
That's how I'll be able to write about/review a song asap after it's release.
The only thing is that publishing post-days would be randomly random... But that would make #kweek even more interesting... ha?
The idea is to make posts less overwhelming...
cuz, we all know, sometimes in kpop things can get really crazy...like overpeopled-ness(too many comebacks)...
... because, you know, hyperproduction!

ofc sometimes there's just too much feeeeelllzzzzz 
must. let. feels. free

...in general...

annnndddd...That's that!
(feel free to) Share your thoughts about... Well... about everything and anything...

Enjoy life, Loolooboos!
There you go...

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