

уторак, 30. септембар 2014.


Ok, first of all - I have bad stomach ache right now (those days of the month), but that ain't gonna stop me from dropping this mother f-in idea of mine right in front of your eyes and ears....Some serious dedication has been displayed here...So... I appreciate your standing ovations...Anyone??...Grrrhhhhghh...Ok, my pain, my idea, my ish...I get it!

Second of all - guess about what I'm gonna talk(preach)......KPOP....(Are you guys like - Oh, no...LooLoo....no.....not again)...Well, pardon my obsession! (obsession is a strong word, tho).. But I'm GONNA preach right now!....So, you better watch and listen carefully... You'll thank me later...when you're obsessed too...mwuuhahhahaha *MrBurnslaugh*

SoloMaleArtists k Edition (they're talented and... I like to look at...I mean listen to them...and stuff)
Shall we start?! (Oh...and this is Part 1 @___@)
Kpop is more than flashy catchy songs. Period.
To avoid repeating myself- this goes for  all of them - Beautiful voice / Good looks / Charisma / Unique color / That something (at least for me)

Roy Kim - winner of SuperstarK4, 93liner, 2 albums (LoveLoveLove(2013) and soon to be released Home(2014). I adore his covers. This one is "Hey, Soul Sister" by Train

Park Hyo Shin - 81liner, one of Korea's greatest singers. If  his song "Drunken Truth" doesn't blow you away, try with the "Fool", or with the newest single "Wild Flower". Deep and husky voice.

Jung Joon Young - Roy Kim's fellow competitor from SuperstarK4 and a friend. 89liner, born in South Korea, but raised in Indonesia, China, Japan, Europe (France and England) and the Phillippines...Cute and funny rocker. Must check this collab with Roy - "Becoming Dust" ("Creep" and "Falling slowly" too)

John Park - 88liner, semifinalist on the ninth season of American Idol, the runner-up of SuperstarK2. Been loving this single "U" ( a bit scary). What a deep powerful voice. And man, those high notes  - you're killin' it. 

Expect Part 2!

понедељак, 29. септембар 2014.

awesoME *motivmon/motivpon*


I think not!

What's better for #motivationalmonday than a little bit of humor....

Bring it on Monday!
Bring it on October!



четвртак, 25. септембар 2014.


Phew...That was close... I almost end up without *comeback to talk about* this week...
BUTBUTBUT this lady from a girl group 'Secret' made a solo comeback... So, let's see what she has prepared. 
Uhm, ok...interesting topic.
Song Ji Eun has a beautiful voice, i like her previous songs ( like Going crazy), and this one is not bad either. 
The plot of the MV tho... I don't say it's confusing, it's rather open to different interpretations, including the lyrics. 
Is it about homosexual love(which was my first impression)?
Or is it about idol dating? 
Definitely, it's about some kind of a forbidden("forbidden") love! 
The people with those masks represent (probably) society or (crazy)fans or kpopcompanies who are against that love. She's chained, helpless, just an object in their hands, totally powerless, weak, and with a soulless expression, as she's tired of everything. Unlike them she has no mask on her face, which means that she's even more vulnerable. Her feelings are sincere, and she doesn't get it - why are they against it(!?). And one of the line goes: "It won't change no matter what anyone says", and after that she breaks free(!!!), while two-face/hypocrite people goes to hell...(I mean that fire). 
I wonder what that number at the end of the mv (25) means? (probably her age, but why...?) 
Strong lyrics..(homophobes and crazyjealousfans (asbeingpainintheass) should ask themselves sometimes - how others are feeling? do I hurt someone with my unnecessary hate?)
Her voice is perfect for this type of songs. Lovely.

Fiju... Zamalo da ostanem bez comebacka za ovu nedelju...
ALIALIALI...ova mlada dama iz grupe 'Secret' napravila je solo comeback... Pa da vidimo šta je pripremila....
Aham, ok... interesantna tema.
Song Ji Eun ima prelep glas, volim onu njenu pesmu Going crazy(link gore u eng delu teksta), ali ni ova nije loša.
Plot sa druge strane...Neću reći da je zbunjujuć, ali recimo da je otvoren za različite interpretacije istog, uključujući i tekst.
Da li je reč homoseksualnoj ljubavi? (to je bio moj prvi utisak)
Ili je reč o zabavljanju među idolima?
Definitivno je reč o nekoj vrsti zabranjene ("zabranjene") ljubavi!
Ljudi sa tim maskama najverov predstavljaju društvo ili (lude)fanove ili kpopkompanije, koji su protiv tih ljubavi. Ona je u lancima, bespomoćna, običan objekat u njihovim rukama, slaba, i sa beživotnim izrazom na licu, kao da je umorna od svega. Za razliku od njih ona ne nosi masku, što znači da je još  ranjivija. Njena osećanja su iskrena, i ona ne shvata - zašto su oni protiv toga(!?). I jedan deo teksta ide ovako: "To se neće promeniti, bez obzira na to šta drugi govorili", a posle toga se(čime se) ona oslobađa(!!!), dok  dvolični-licemerni ljudi putuju u pakao..(mislim ta vatra i to).
Pitam se koje je značenje onog broja na kraju spota (25) ? (najver njene godine...ali zašto, čemu...?)
Snažan tekst/reči... (homofobi i ludiljubomornifanovi (smaračikakvihnema) bi trebalo da se ponekad upitaju - kako se drugi osećaju? da li ja povređujem nekoga svojom nepotrebnom mržnjom?)
Njen glas je savršen za ovu vrstu pesama.. Divota.

See you next Thursday!
Vidimo se sledećeg četvrtka!

понедељак, 22. септембар 2014.

It's your race! *motivmon/motivpon*

Who needs motivation today?

Kome treba motivacija danas?


Keep running baby, it's your race!!!

петак, 19. септембар 2014.


oooopppsss...someone failed to post *Kpopthursday* yesterday. . . Soorrry
Here I am...Here it is...Here we go!

Teen Top! There's nothing I don't like about this group...Except the name... They're not teens anymore...So, yeah...Bad name choice, if you ask me...but you don't...therefore...lemme continue...

"You gotta be stronger, cause you're my star"...awww...Niel's precious voice... Before I jump straight to the plot, I just want to say that I really like the lyrics, choreography, that darkish set, and the story of MV equally...let's just say that I was immersed while I was watching this mv for the first time... Now, I'm addicted to it, and (again) let's just say that the fact that  CAP looks so damn hot, is not the crucial reason of me liking this song so much...(ok, glad we straighten it out :P ).
Khfhghhghgh- that plot - L.JOE, CAP and Girl are friends. CAP is dating the girl. They had happy lives. Sadly, CAP lets himself get controlled by the partying lifestyle, which leads him to hurt himself and the people around him (hence he cheated). This destructive lifestyle leads him to shut himself out of his loved ones (he is locked in the room while ljoe and the girl try to get in and save him) as he's slowly killed by his routine.  CAP eventually dies. Ljoe and the girl are heartbroken with his absence and in the midst of all the feels, they kiss( I think that ljoe was in love with her from the beginning). ..I don't like the fact CAP died.PERIOD....IDK...but I like those kinda complicated to understand plots, cause everyone have their own interpretations of it..and that's cool.

For this comeback Teen Top wanted to change things a little bit, so they tried a new genre ( usually, their songs are more upbeat kind of songs..and this one is more on the sad/emo side)..which I like. I think it's an improvement, and I totally support them. 


Uuuupps...neko je propustio da postavi kpopčetvrtak juče....izvinjavamo se
Evo me...Evo ga...Krećemo!

Teen Top! Ne postoji ništa što mi se kod ove grupe ne dopada...Osim možda imena...Oni nisu više tinejdžeri, tako  da ono...Loša odluka pri izboru imena...ako mene neko pita, ali me ne pita...zato...da nastavim..
Aaaa...taj početak i Niel-ov divni glas**... Pre nego što se prebacim na objašnjavanje spota (tj. moje (ne)razumevanje istog), samo da kažem da mi se tekst, koreografija, tamna scenografija i priča spota podjednako dopadaju... dovoljno je spomenuti da sam prilikom prvog gledanja spota bila skroz uvučena u isti, što zbog priče, što zbog činjenice da mi se svaki sledeći kadar više svideo od prethodnog... Sada sam, jelte, navučena na pesmu, i da napomenem da činjenica što CAP izgleda savršeno nije krucijalni razlog zašto mi se toliko dopalo sve...( e tako, drago mi je da se razumemo :P )...
Kjfhhffhfhf...priča - L.JOE, CAP i devojka su prijatelji. Ona je Cap-ova devojka. Živeli su srećno dok CAPa nije počeo da "luduje" okolo, čime povređuje ljude oko sebe, posebno nju(vidimo i da ju je prevario sa strankinjom..ccc). Taj njegov destruktivni način života dovodi do zatvaranja u sebe, odbijanja prijatelja i, u konačnici, do njegove smrti. I L-JOE i devojka su slomljeni tom činjenicom, nalaze jedno drugo ( mada je moguće da je ljoe od početka bio zaljubljen u nju) i desi se poljubac...To što CAPov lik umire mi se ne dopada uopšte, ali uopšte...tačka. Uglavnom, zanimljivi su scenariji-spotovi ovog tipa, jer svako može na svoj način da ih tumači...što je prilično kul.

Za ovaj comeback Teen Top su se odlučili da malo promene stvari i isprobaju neki novi žanr ( do sada su njihove pesme bile electro-upbeat-veselog tipa, a ova je, ipak, sa one tužnjikave-emo strane)..što se meni, lično, dopada. Mislim da je to napredak za njih, i potpuno ih podržavam.

четвртак, 11. септембар 2014.

GO CRAZY! *kpopthursday/kpopčetvrtak*

Guess who's back...back..back.. back again...gain..ain!
Ok, loves...WHAT TIME IS IT?
2PM are back...wooohooo!

Before that, let's mention other comebacks (the list is not so big). Girl group 'T-ARA' is back with 'Sugar Free' (sadly, T-ara's songs are so similar, like.. there is always a disco theme/vibe/music, and the girls singing almost random lines..idk..One thing that I like is..mhm... their clothes... and shoes... and accessories...ok, three things.  Kinda Hyuna-ish rap...just sayin'! These girls are struggling, like all the time...I just wish them one successful comeback... I know they can do it. Go, T-ara, go!)
Two more songs: Jay Park - So Good(homage to Michael Jackson...I like) and NastyNasty - Knock (newly formed trio..Kevin is from underrated group 'ZEA', I'm not sure for the girls, one of them is from a girl group Nine Muses, I think...Anyway, catchy song, I like it...That choreography is...nastynasty)

And finally...2pm! Wooohooo, this group is one of my favorite ones. It consists of 6 dorks- adorable  6 dorks. I like the fact that they're all 24+ (yearsold), but you would never tell, cuz... dorkiness. Onto the MV:
Title song 'GO CRAZY!' definitely speaks for itself. You have eng sub..so it will be easy for you to understand all the craziness behind the lyrics. What else...? Dance - that choreaography!...Well, it matches with the concept, I guess! Few things I need to say about some of the moves, tho:
1. motorcycle formation - I saw it before in BTS's Boy in luv (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sVxofSZc0eU at 2:00).
2. Dancingairblowupdoll move is BtoB's Peniel's invention, I think (I might be wrong, ofc.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qgtaSJ3PSMM at 3:21)
3. all that (1. and 2.) doesn't matter..cause, I adore their moves, anyway...especially the one at 1:45..ayyeee, so cute.
Wooyoung's outfit???..that sparkly jumpsuit,.. those glasses...that hair...man, you're new level of crazy.
Props to Jun.K - this song is composed, arranged, vocal produced by him, and he also wrote the lyrics.
The MV hit 1 million views already.
They're having fun, and that's it!
(This album - I can't wait to hear 'I'm your man' and 'Beautiful' kor. ver)

понедељак, 8. септембар 2014.

WALK *motivmon/motivpon

When you need to think, take a walk!


 ... I visited my favorite place on Earth...my Oasis of Peace...this beautiful park in all its glory

I really enjoy spending time there... 
So, I decided to stay there for awhile..kyah

...seating on a bench...

...showing off my nails...

and...showing off ma bag and one leg...

 ...me, my orange bag...and a pigeon..

....Yeah, still in da park....Inhaling...Exhaling..
...breathing...cute fountain...

...the rest is the city concrete...
 ...oh, look at me here....all wired up...music is the answer... my life, my escape...
church...not that I care, I just like the contrast of colors..
...moving on
...Big Square..not so big (another church?..it's not)
 ..oh, black and white...chess(y) looking floor..
Watch your steps...but always look at the sky!

Oh, clouds...Nature, I love you!

 ..It's time for another foot selfie...yaaay...click

What do we have here...MCDonald's (not a fan..)
p.s. Yes, our buildings do have roofs - but not when I'm playing photographer in charge...

 random picture..
green, I love you green...and blue...and white...vivid colors...nice random pic2

nasty...dirty...stairway...blame on city headquarters..

Zebra crossing....Heading home...

...almost there...

Are you thinking  like- Damn, that's hell of a random post!! Well, it is?
 I hope you enjoyed walking with me
I have.

четвртак, 4. септембар 2014.


Ok, today's kpop story is gonna be a little bit different.
First of all...Rest in peace EunB (she was a member of a girl group Ladies' Code, who tragically passed away from a car accident two days ago). Also, let's pray that the other member's conditions may get better as soon as possible. Please get well soon.
How heartbreaking...
Ok, današnja kpop priča će biti malo drugačija...
Pre svega...Počivaj u miru EunB (ona je bila članica grupe Ladies Code, a tragično je preminula u saobraćajnoj nesreći koja se dogodila pre dva dana). Takođe, pomolimo se za poboljšanje stanja ostalih članica. Nadamo se njhovom brzom oporavku.
Stvarno je tužno...

So, I decided not to post typical Kpopthursday this week..Instead, I just wanna share with you guys some emotional and 'sodifferentfromthetittletrack' songs, that I  really enjoy listening to lately (from the latest Winner's and BTS's albums). 
..Been loving the music, as well as the lyrics. Really really good songs...And vocals too...(I've found English subbed videos, so...enjoy....(props/credits to subbing teams) 
Iz tog razloga, odlučila sam da ne postavim tipičan Kpopčetvrtak za ovu nedelju. Umesto toga, želim da podelim sa vama neke emotivne i drugačijeodnaslovnihpesama pesme, koje volim da slušam u poslednje vreme (pesme su sa poslednjih album grupa Winner i BTS)
..Dopada mi se muzika, kao i tekstovi. Dobre pesme.. I vokali, takođe...(ako će vam pomoći, nađoh videee sa engleskim prevodom...pa, uživajte...svepoštovanje/zasluge za timove prevodioca)

Let it be andante for today...
Neka bude andante za danas...

BTS- Rain

Winner - Different

понедељак, 1. септембар 2014.

TheEnd or TheBeginning *motivationalmondaymotivacioniponedeljak

What does September mean to you?
Is it the End?... Or is it the Beginning?
A spark of philosophy for today.
On top of that, it is Monday!
Days like this are the ones when we naturally take our time to self-reflect. Or that's just me...?
Brace yourselves...
Whatever you do - End it or Begin it like a boss!!!
It's not gonna be easy, but...

Šta za vas znači septembar?
Da li kraj? Ili početak?
Malo filozofije za danas.
Povrh svega, ponedeljak je!
Danima kao što je ovaj, obično se bavimo samorefleksijom. Ili je to samo slučaj sa mnom?
Držite se...
Šta god radili - Okončajte ili Započnite kao bosovi!!!
Neće biti lako, ali...
