

четвртак, 25. септембар 2014.


Phew...That was close... I almost end up without *comeback to talk about* this week...
BUTBUTBUT this lady from a girl group 'Secret' made a solo comeback... So, let's see what she has prepared. 
Uhm, ok...interesting topic.
Song Ji Eun has a beautiful voice, i like her previous songs ( like Going crazy), and this one is not bad either. 
The plot of the MV tho... I don't say it's confusing, it's rather open to different interpretations, including the lyrics. 
Is it about homosexual love(which was my first impression)?
Or is it about idol dating? 
Definitely, it's about some kind of a forbidden("forbidden") love! 
The people with those masks represent (probably) society or (crazy)fans or kpopcompanies who are against that love. She's chained, helpless, just an object in their hands, totally powerless, weak, and with a soulless expression, as she's tired of everything. Unlike them she has no mask on her face, which means that she's even more vulnerable. Her feelings are sincere, and she doesn't get it - why are they against it(!?). And one of the line goes: "It won't change no matter what anyone says", and after that she breaks free(!!!), while two-face/hypocrite people goes to hell...(I mean that fire). 
I wonder what that number at the end of the mv (25) means? (probably her age, but why...?) 
Strong lyrics..(homophobes and crazyjealousfans (asbeingpainintheass) should ask themselves sometimes - how others are feeling? do I hurt someone with my unnecessary hate?)
Her voice is perfect for this type of songs. Lovely.

Fiju... Zamalo da ostanem bez comebacka za ovu nedelju...
ALIALIALI...ova mlada dama iz grupe 'Secret' napravila je solo comeback... Pa da vidimo šta je pripremila....
Aham, ok... interesantna tema.
Song Ji Eun ima prelep glas, volim onu njenu pesmu Going crazy(link gore u eng delu teksta), ali ni ova nije loša.
Plot sa druge strane...Neću reći da je zbunjujuć, ali recimo da je otvoren za različite interpretacije istog, uključujući i tekst.
Da li je reč homoseksualnoj ljubavi? (to je bio moj prvi utisak)
Ili je reč o zabavljanju među idolima?
Definitivno je reč o nekoj vrsti zabranjene ("zabranjene") ljubavi!
Ljudi sa tim maskama najverov predstavljaju društvo ili (lude)fanove ili kpopkompanije, koji su protiv tih ljubavi. Ona je u lancima, bespomoćna, običan objekat u njihovim rukama, slaba, i sa beživotnim izrazom na licu, kao da je umorna od svega. Za razliku od njih ona ne nosi masku, što znači da je još  ranjivija. Njena osećanja su iskrena, i ona ne shvata - zašto su oni protiv toga(!?). I jedan deo teksta ide ovako: "To se neće promeniti, bez obzira na to šta drugi govorili", a posle toga se(čime se) ona oslobađa(!!!), dok  dvolični-licemerni ljudi putuju u pakao..(mislim ta vatra i to).
Pitam se koje je značenje onog broja na kraju spota (25) ? (najver njene godine...ali zašto, čemu...?)
Snažan tekst/reči... (homofobi i ludiljubomornifanovi (smaračikakvihnema) bi trebalo da se ponekad upitaju - kako se drugi osećaju? da li ja povređujem nekoga svojom nepotrebnom mržnjom?)
Njen glas je savršen za ovu vrstu pesama.. Divota.

See you next Thursday!
Vidimo se sledećeg četvrtka!

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