Here we gooooohoooo! After I've reviewed two incredible comebacks this past Saturday, I ended up with no comeback to talk about today...Damn... Still, I'm gonna do this shizzz! Out of total 3 songs that can be considered comebacks, I choose...mhmm...This one. SunnyHill - Here I Am
Pretty up-beat melody for a sad song/story. Music(rhythm) changes constantly - just for a first 30 sec, we have string instrument that makes melancholic intro, to the piano mixed with some...thing (I am not a music expert, as you can see)- that builds transition to the full speed up-beat bridge, and then we have chorus - where they (song producers) give a spotlight to vocals, rather than instruments, but still, in the background, we can hear that upbeatness...The thing repeats till the end of the song.
SunnyHill is a girl group with a very good vocals in it. Girls are, obviously, very talented, and somehow I can't put them in a typical 'kpop girl group' drawer... Cause they're just different level(?)... musically, and also - unlike other girl groups.. they tend to grab your attention not with the appearance, or crazy(sexy) dance moves, but with their voices and interpretation of a song/lyrics... They look/sound like they have more life/love experience, basically.
As I said - interestingly, there's no dance choreography, they stay still through out the whole video (not sure how the live perf would look like...cause, the song is sad, but it's not a ballad that they can sing standing still). Camera movement makes it more dynamic...Probably, they'll use that trick to make live perf not boring....
As for the video - It shows a girl who can't forget her past love. She lives in the past. Dreamy effects are used to make it more unrealistic (they can't/won't be together again for sure)...She needs to wake up. The other girls helped her to snap out of it... They're like her friends, I suppose... that care about her...or...or..or... *whispers...They're group of fairies-psychologists (read: common sense brain center) who can heal broken hearts...
Overall, it's a nice song.
Other songs (options) for today's #kpopthurday were these two:
Apink - LUV - Autumn theme...nice outfits and hair colors...
Loco feat. Jay Park - Thinking about you - not really a comeback(it is for Jay, he sings the most important part -chorus), but still, cool song...interesting video...catchy melody/chorus.
First time I saw him - it was... I don't know...probably in someone else's yt video (I was a video of some girl-youtuber... I think).
He seemed like normal, interesting, nice - well mannered and well educated kid.
Later, I found out that he released an EP, entitled TRYXE - and you know me - I like music..So I sat down, and listened to all the songs...
One of the songs was entitled 'The Fault in Our Stars', and I was like - wooouuuwhooow - I liked that movie (no, I haven't read the book)...
I actually ended up liking other songs from EP more than that one...but yeah...good job, anyway.
If you haven't heard (you probably have, tho), this is a big hit - 'Happy Little Pill'(he's not supporting drugs(neither do I) or anything like's a song about our society and
the lack of true values in it...)
I find him inspirational(inspiring(?)) on so many levels...
Neka ovo bude specijalno (vanredno) izdanje KpopČetvrtka!
Dobrodošli u KpopSubotu :)
(jer ove pesme ne mogu da čekaju...)
GD i Taeyang - GoodBoy Kako to obično biva - pesma mi se nije dopala na prvo slušanje. Tačnije, očekivala sam nešto više, drugačije...Ipak su to njih dvojica, a ono...obična pesma! Medjutim... Kako vreme prolazi, sve mi se više svidja. Sada je dovoljno da čujem prve taktove, i već se potpuno prepustim ritmu, počnem da dominiram stejdžom(čitaj:soba) i ludački se izdjuskam...(ako ste me zamislili kako nekontrolisano skakućem glumeći gdijev i taeyangov sveg - e upravo tako i izgledam... i nije me blam!) :) Pa da počnemo - Čitava stvar mi je u senci činjenice da je reč o nekom YT projektu (vidi se na početku da je pesma označena kao deo YT muzičkog momenta za 2015), zbog čega mislim da, iako je u stilu ove dvojice pevača, ipak negde prilagodjena komercijalnim kriterijumima - učinjena privlačnom širem auditorijumu(masama), kako muzički, tako i vizuelno... u čemu nema ništa loše (da se razumemo). Možda su njih dvojica morali malo da kontrolišu/smire svoje energije, u korist zahteva tržišta, i to je u redu. Drago mi je da su dobili priliku da saradjuju sa yt-om. Iako nisam muzički stručnjak - mogu da osetim kada je pesma jedna celina (ima odredjeni uvod, suptilan prelaz, vrhunac i repeticiju, koja je čini skladnom). 'Good boy' je definitivno jedna od tih pesama. Sve vreme vam zadržava pažnju. Jednostavno, nije dosadna. Tome, naravno, doprinosi muzika - korišćeni instrumenti, semplovi, razne mužičko-produkcijske cake dopadljive uhu, ali i vokali. Svima je poznato da GD i Taeyang imaju jedinstvene glasove, pa čak i stilove interpretacije, a ovde je postignuta optimalna podela deonica, teksta - zadataka... GD zagreva atmosferu tako što pevuši početne stihove, a onda kreće da repuje, kao što mu i dolikuje...Taeyang preuzima - peva, ubrzava, i stižemo do refrena, koji je, ništa drugo do - klimaks od par reči - I am a good boy....dalje muzika čini svoje (o propratnom plesu, malo kasnije)...Ponavljanje... A onda Taeyang peva uvodni deo (isto, ali drugačije - nije vam dosadno)...Zatim i on malo repuje...Sledi deo gde mu autotjunom obradjuju savršeno sposoban vokal da izvede istu stvar bez obrade....ali dobro, sve za mas-uši! Tekst je ništa novo, manje-više ponavljanje fraza za podizanje atmosfere, uz jasno, i opravdano(!) hvalisanje - tipično za hiphop, a posebno superstarove poput njih. Jer, hipotetički - da se zadesite u klubu, u koji na teatralan način upadaju GD i Taeyang, bilo kao posetioci, ili MC-ijevi, atmosfera bi bila ista kao u ovom spotu, ne sve propratne vizuelne efekte... Kada smo kod vizuelnih efekata - andergraund klub, skoro privilegovani pristup istom (...jer, prodjoše oni kroz 'frizerski salon' (:)))), dok su stigli do njega), a tamo ludilo - nema čega nema - gas maske, pištolji, lizalice, skejtovi, mnooooogooo neonskih svetala i drugih stvarčica, koje svetle u mraku i....meni omiljeni - Baloooooniiiii!!! Ima li išta bolje što vrišti - ZABAVA I LUDILO - od balončićaaa....Volim! Ona kupola-instalacija iznad njihovih glava (na koju su se neki čak i penjali), koja zasvetli, pa se ugasi, na odredjenim delovima (čime se pojačava dinamičnost videa) je pun pogodak. Stajlinzi - Svako je svom stilu ostao veran. Taeyang je uspeo da kroz ceo video bude obučen, minimalno, ali bar nije bez majice. GD me onim kaputima uvek podseti na olovnog vojnika(još od 'Lollipop'-a) (mozda(sigurno) je stvar i stavu i držanju..). Veći sam fan Taeyangove mokrakosafrizure, od Gd-jevih špagetica-pletenica, ali ne smeta mi ni jedno, ni drugo. Oni rade šta oni hoće - i imaju sva prava na to. Lukin flaj, no meta vat. Aksesoari na sve strane, šareno i psihodelično al d vej - daju osećaj potpune slobode, raznolikosti u individualnosti, različitosti uopšte - sa jednim jedinim planom - zabaviti se. Koreografija je jednostavna - te je svima (denserima) lako da se priključe ovoj dvojici u 'osvajanju plesnog podijuma'. 'La la la la la' delovi i G.DragAnovo vrištanje 'Auw' - održavaju ushićenost pesmom od početka do kraja. Kadrovi u autu, i sedenje za kompom iz budućnosti - nepotrebno...ipak, efektno. Sve u svemu - Kreativno. Potencijalno - muzika koju će vam DJ puštati u klubu. Sims ledžit.
Mislite da je gotovo...?
Varate se!
Sledi pesma koja preti da zaseni (što se mene tiče, već je zasenila) GD i Taeyangovu kolaboraciju. Govorimo o totalno drugačijem pristupu muzici i njenoj svrsi.
Još jedan kolaborativni projekat. Od momenta kada je najavljen, znala(!!!) sam da će biti NEŠTO MNOGO DOBRO! Nisam pogrešila. I nisu me razočarali.
Odakle početiiiiii???
HyoRin (ja lupim tvrdo R uvek, iako neki izgovaraju sa L - HyoLin) je jedan od meni najomiljenijih ženskih vokala u kpop-u. Kada bih imala bar mrvicu njenog talenta TT....
Od nje uvek očekujte njen maksimum (čak i kada promoviše pesme od Sistar, u kojima, uglavnom - kako i sama ona kaže - ne dobija potpunu slobodu da peva kako/šta hoće).
JooYoung je mladi, talentovani, što bi rekli - anderrejted umetnik, kolega preslatke Hyorin iz Starship Ent-a. Pomenula sam ga u jednom od delova posta 'SoloArtistKEditon', pa ko je čitao - vama je već poznat. Imao je par pesama, čak i album, koji nije prošao zapaženo, pa su čelnici Starship-a odlučili da ga poguraju ovim duetom sa najboljim im ženskim vokalom u kompaniji (iako Soyou ima prelep, doduše, sličan glas i talenat, kao i H.)
Tekst na engleskom jeziku je dostupan u videu, tako da taj deo ne moram posebno da komentarišem - osim što moram da kažem da ga OBOŽAVAM!
Neverovatna veština oba vokala da interpretacijom prenesu emociju, sve teškoće i probleme, sa kojima se likovi iz priče susreću.
Muzički posmatrano - nešto izmedju balade i gruvi ekspresivne spore plesne pesme (ovaj izraz ne postoji, znam). Klavir je tu da bude tužna, a ostali instrumenti - da pesma ne bude dosadna. Kao što je slučaj sa prethodnom, i ovaj aranžman je skladna celina (sa malim (kratkim) iskorakom - rep delom, o čemu malo kasnije).
Koreografija ima svoje dobre elemente - npr. brisanje tragova jedno drugog sa usana, dodirivanje, ali uvek na nekoj distanci - simboličan prikaz njihove veze (ona podvlači u tekstu, kao poslednji komentar na sve - uvek je bilo tako!).
Sa druge strane, imamo taj 'neplesni' deo videa - ako postoji neko ko je mogao da zaključi iz priloženog, o čemu se tu radi - neka digne dva prsta, i ako je moguće, prosvetli nas ostale, koji nagadjamo da je reč o sledećem...
Bili su u srećnoj vezi (oni delovi kao sećanja, kada su oboje nasmejani), raskinuli su, ali i dalje misle jedno na drugo. Ok, to razumem. Pometnju unosi prezgodni barmen (za koga nedavno saznah da je japanski glumac, po imenu Takuya, član grupe Cross Gene; prvi put se susretoh sa njim,i mogu samo da kažem - ko je ovaj čovek, zašto je ovako lep, i ko je to njemu omogućio? (Vojkankvot)). On je tu, jelte, svestan činjenice da su ovo dvoje ranije dolazili zajedno u taj bar, a sada odvojeno (iako uvek gledaju na stranu ovog drugog, možda nadajući se da će se on/a pojaviti...možda zato i nastavljaju da dolaze..da bi se sreli, jer još uvek imaju osećanja jedno prema nemam pojma). Ali... barmen joj se smeška, pa onda imamo one kadrove kada su H. i T. u vezi, što može biti 'potencijlno buduća veza'...ALI...ALI vidimo da ona u tim kadrovima NIJE srećna!). Znači...Jao. Poenta je, dozvolite da zaključim, tvrdoglavi su oboje. A sa druge strane, ako stvari ne idu, ne idu. Ne vredi siliti ljubav.
Fijuuu, ovaj deo sa spotom je bio komplikovan!
Što se tiče stajlinga - kontam da je moglo bolje... Ali ne marim....
Sada kada ste preslušali pesmu/odgledali spot, vratite se na 2:15 i slušajte pažljivo do 2:35....Čitavih 20 sekundi je dobio IRON (Ajon - kako izgovaraju Korejci njegovo ime) da vam ukrade srca. Ne sećam se da li sam njega pominjala ranije....Nije bilo prilike, čini mi se, jer nikako da izbaci nešto novo...
Ali evo sada, dovoljno je ovih par sekundi, da se za njih uhvatim, i kažem vam koju o njemu - Učestvovao u/čak je bio u i finalu, survajval programa Show Me The Money 3 (svojevrstan hiphop muzički rijaliti šou, u kome se takmiče neafirmisani (mada...bilo je izuzetaka) reperi. Tamo ga zapazih...Navijah da pobedi, ali ništa.
Interesantno je i to da je bio u originalnoj postavci (sadašnje grupe) BTS, koja je, u stvari, trebala biti duo, koji bi činili Iron i sadašnji lider grupe BTS -Rapmon. Nisu poznati razlozi zašto to nije postala stvarnost. Sada postoje spekulacije da će debitovati kao član neke druge grupe, pod imenom neke druge kompanije...Ali... ko zna. Ostaje da vidimo. Nesporno je talentovan (ajde, dobro, i afjjfkjhfhslfahahfs simpatičan, kad već insistira(M)te...). Medjutim, nemate priliku da ga vidite u ovom spotu... Što je po meni GREŠKA, LJUDI, GREŠKAA.
Do sada se pojavljivao u lajv nastupima, zajedno sa Hyorin i JooYoungom, nadam se da će nastaviti tako...20 sekundi - 20 sekundi...Men' dosta!
Ako insistira(M)te...evo foto... (Ljude ne treba ceniti prema fizičkom izgledu, ovo je samo da vidite kako izgleda u tih 20 sekundi slave)
So, you're saying -It's their 3rd comeback this year...?!
OK, then...*sigh
Who'd tell they're rookies...
GOT7's back in the game!!!
'GirlsGirlsGirls' - I loved it
'A' - more like neah... it wasn't my cup of tea
'Stop Stop It' - omg...the title is killing me already :/...and that auto-tune from the teasers..nooooohooohooo
(my train of thoughts before the actual song/mv was released)
After the release...
Uhm....Yeah....Don't know what to say...
Can I say 'So-so', and still stay alive...?(sometimes, fans can be really merciless, so I have to say- Chill, this reviewing thing- it's just for fun...We are all allowed to have an opinion about stuff)
Luckily, auto-tune is there just to emphasize key words of the chorus(and for more futuristic sound)...I can 'not hate' it...and that's it /notpleasedwithautotune/
JB's acting from the beginning of the video - he's so cute. I'd say his acting skills got better. I don't get that girl, tho - "What is he saying???"... Turn the volume down a little bit, then you'll be able hear him, or you can ask him to speak louder...(Girl, you dumb? You can't just ignore him, he's about to jump)...
And then... another JB appeared, and then... he's in the future, but actually in the past, but in the future...(Wut??). Plot - 'da f is going on' level. In his past life, the girl ignored him, and now she likes him... So, he needs to know that, before he do something crazy in the name of love, that's why JB from the future meets himself in the past.....No wonder why some people are saying that this video is a bit 'darkish'...To die or not to die...
Members had gone through haircut/color rebirth, every each of them (except JB maybe ---wow, ok, drop the beat: 1,2,3...uh, maybe JB, or JB maybe, he still looks the same, but it's JB baby...*I'm sorry, I was carried away by this sudden rhyme)..They look so different/much younger, right now...And I'm not sure that I like it (Jackson's haircut is fine, it suits him...kinda... and for the others -well, let's just say I hope that they'll make some changes for the live performances).
Because KPOP is a place where Music meets Fashion... --> those baggy Jumpsuits!!! If I REALLY have to choose 1 of 3 options - then... black. It is just me or this video is 90s inspired...? I guess JYP loves good old 90s - he was young back then(just kidding...JYP is a cool dude).
Lyrics - guy is being friendzoned, he can't even (Bambam's rap part - finally he got the chance to show he's a grown up swagger...And Mark being Mark (a.k.a - dreamy)
MV - half 'weirdplotacting' - half dancing. I'd say the dance is my favorite part of the comeback. I'm always looking forward to good choreography, and skilled... and synchronized (cute) dancers. Waves, waves...more waves - I'm not complaining. Point move - Air Hugging...awww:)
They're all damn handsome. End.
It is time for you to enjoy Got7's 'Stop Stop it'...3...2...1
(over 1 million views already)
Next we have the cutest unit EVER - 'HI SUHYUN'....Long awaited MV is out, so let's take a look...
First of all, I really want to point out one thing - both girls are very young, but their vocals/voices are above powerful. I feel like, you can't praise them enough. They still have a long way to go (showbiz-experience wise), but I have no doubt that they'll have a bright future(carrier wise).
As for the music video - That expression -'CUTENESS OVERLOAD' doesn't do it justice here...I can totally see myself jamming to this song/video back in the school days...
One sided love - creeping - ending up with a broken heart - We've all been there....
Short introduction:
*Lee Hi- YG's solo artist (previously: runner-up of SBS's 'Kpop Star Season 1', 96 liner)
*Lee SooHyun- member of YG's duo 'AKMU' (Akdong Musician), the other member is her brother Lee ChanHyuk('96), winners of Kpop Star 2. Brace yourselves - She's 99 liner!)
*Bobby - cute little devil (more like - eye smiling bunny) from MV is a member of YG's soon-to-debut group 'iKON' - look forward to him/them; 95 liner, Korean-American hip hop rapper, his aura/flow is no joke)
School uniforms are fine, but those Bobby's cool-black-celeb-like outfits(and that car), tho - he's a regular student, isn't he?... Anyways, moving on.
The lyrics are about a girl who's claiming that she's special and different from the other girls...blah, blah - but in a 'fake confidence' way, cause she's actually crazily in love with the guy, so she wants to approach him with that confident attitude.... GirlsSqueezingBobby scene is my favorite scene...adorable...
The melody is quite catchy and youthful/playful...just as they are!
(over 1 million views)
Super Junior's Kyuhyun released a solo album, and the title song 'At Gwanghwamun' is really something. Don't miss it. Beautiful ballad. I literally get teary every time I listen to this song. It's a perfect mix of talent, emotion and music.
Debuts, comebacks, sub-units, even a Spanish-language release... and then another OST release... Crazy times, crazy times!
For today's #kpopthursday I picked these two following songs:
When I saw teasers I was like - Wait...What? Teen Top? A...Again?
The thing is - 'Missing' (which I reviewed one/two months ago) is from the latest EP 'Exito', and the new song is from album 'Teen Top 20's Love Two Exito' (repackaged ver.). Mystery solved! Whatevs... The song/music - it's nice, I like it...It has that TeenTop's recognizable beat...something that differs them from others, idk... Almost like Infinite (another kpop group - when they make comeback(who knows when) - I'll probably review it) - as soon as you hear the song, you can immediately tell that it's Infinite's song. The literal translation of Korean title for this song is - We have no problem - So, it's pretty obvious what the song is all about - GURL, DON'T LEAAAVE MEEEEAH! Lyrics - provided...Wooohooo! I like it when the guys are able to sing emotional/meaningful/regretful lyrics/songs, and still look confident - not like some desperate crybabies... Again - great vocals...Chunji's falsetto, Niel's sweet lazy whispering husky voice, CAP's deep smoky voice... Melting noona's ears/heart** The choreography - it flows nicely...smooth - like the song itself. MV - playing with lights/lighting saved the whole thing, lemme tell you... Few things are totally unnecessary:'girl'... Those wooden things are fine - it's the stage, clearly! :) Outfits - I approve. :P
Me first time watching the MV - "That girl is not a girl... Look at those manly legs, (s)he doesn't know how to walk in heels... It's probably one of the members..."
A couple days after the song was released - members revealed that SHE is HE, and THE member is L.Joe.
Now, it's time for girl group comeback. AOA (Ace of Angels- apparently) made a comeback with a song 'Like A Cat'... I don't know much about them, tho... But, let's take a look together, shall we...
Ok...I won't go in to details about them(girls) - considering that I know nothing about members... But, what I can tell about the concept is -I don't like it. I mean the 'cat' part of the concept is fine, the 'sexy' part is too much... Tattooed main character is cute. Hey... One of the guards(whitehairguy) looks familiar to me... Oh, yeah... It's Jake (foreigner living in Korea, youtuber(?)...)... (no one cares, ha...) Ok, moving on... We can't deny - the girls are pretty... I want haircut/color of the girl who killed guards with a whip(???)... (in kpop music videos - everything is possible, they pat you on the back with a gun, and you instantly fall down.. and you die...:) They have no mercy on you :))) Girls love diamonds - Girls steal diamonds... Legit (not).. That Cat-like move (part of the chorus choreo ) is cute (1:27) Outfits - some are good, some are bad... Make up - props to the makeup artist!
(Actually, I wanted to review new song of YG's sub-unit group 'HISUHYUN', but then I realized that the MV for that song is not released yet (and we all know that there will be a video - some of the cuts/images from the shooting location have leaked...So, let's wait for the proper MV...then I'll talk about it...) I can't resist not to show you MV for that OST (I've mentioned earlier) Again -'UNIQ' sings 'Celebrate' - OST for the upcoming 'DreamWorks' animation film "Penguins of Madagascar". Adorable Penguins! (the actual Penguins Of M./characters are cute too :))
No. Nothing... I waited till the last minute... Still nothing. :/ It's official - I don't have comeback to talk about this week. Dear Gods of KpopIndustry - are you sleeping or what?! Give me something interesting to review! I demand!!! agrhgrhhrhhrhhhhh cough cough (*zen thoughts) The fact that this week is lacking reviewingworthycomebackmusicvideo ain't gonna stop me from KpopThursday-ing!!! Don't get me wrong - Some good songs were released in the past few days (MC Mong - Miss me or diss me - lots of controversies surrounding this rapper - I just can't go there, long story for a kpopt; SPICA - Ghost - girls are very talented, "envyworthy" vocals, the MV tho - neaaah) ... It's just that - I don't find them.....mhhm...what's the right be.... kpopthursdaymaterial....u know what am sayin'..
Luckily, two rookie (one is not so rookie, but still - rookie...for me) groups caught my attention this week:
Ok, these guys have been around for a ... THREE (omg!) years now....Time flies, kids! I know them since their debut single "Boyfriend" (convenient)...You need to hit up YouTube for that "babyfacedcutnesswhichmakesmesick" video...(the song is catchy tho). Anyway, Boyfriend boys are older now - old enough... So I can actually watch them without cringing (caused by awkwardness). This time around, the melody of their previous song "Witch" (especially that part: 'cuz your body goes boom bara boom...') caught my ear..And yeah, I've been loving the song since (live performance and choreo - cool). The latest 'Boyfriend' song was released...when it was?... past Sunday I think, and it's a following up- kinda 'present for the fans' song. I like this one too, so they are here(onlooloosworldkpopthursday) for a reason - I'll be monitoring them from now on.
Next, we have REAL rookies - they debuted like... a month ago under China-based entertainment company, even tho they're YG Ent's new Korean-Chinese boy group(?) (it is some kind of a collaboration between two companies - the plan is that the group promote simultaneously in both Korea and China). Anyhow, UNIQ consists of 3 Chinese, and 2 Korean members (I've only catch up the names of the two members that I liked at first - Yibo(c) and Sungjoo(k) :) The boys, actually, got a chance to sing Chinese OST for the 'Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles' movie (Born To Fight), which is an honor for them, and (let's be honest)it's a rare thing to see..(new group - babies singing for a blockbuster movie - obviously they caught Paramount Pictures's attention with those hot teasers (and just like that -UNIQ become the youngest group in history of ParamountPic to sing an OST.... clap clap clap) Here is Uniq's debut song - Falling in love (Yibo - long hair, Sungjoo - the one that sings chorus)
Less talking, more listening/thinking/understanding...
Here you go...
Tracklist w/ lyrics links:
(lot of featurings...expect much of lyrics too)
1. Encore - Show is not over, haters... (No, I didn't realize that the show is over...)
2. Happen Ending - feat. Jo Won Sun of Rollercoaster/ love(butnotlove)song (Word I hate more then 'you pay' is 'have strength'... I'm I really in love? Or am I dating to break up?....)
3. Rich - feat. Taeyang of BigBang/ about conformist society (...Baby, you don't even know what the problem is, Your bucket list is your shopping list...)
4. Spoiler - y'all know this one from KpopThursday (Your cold eyes and words are the spoiler...The lines and facial expressions didn't match, the subtitles are off...)
5. Burj Khalifa - feat. Yankie, Gaeko/ say no to drugs - be high on music (My High is Epik...)
6. We Fight Ourselves - feat. Younha/ if you're in the same situation - run! for your sake! (I understand twice, when you misunderstand at once...)
7. Amor Fati - feat.Kim Jon Wan of Nell/ what a voice, JonWan! and what a message behind the lyrics... (...But they call me a non-believer...Well, neither do I...We are others...)
8. Born Hater - feat. EVERYBODY, just kidding - feat. Beenzino, Verbal Jint, B.I, Mino, Bobby/ you know this one too (#kpopthursday)... epiiiiiiiiiiic
9. Lesson 5 - we got no answers, we got no answers....just a lot of questions (one of my favorites on the album)...Whoever becomes blind first is the king/The first person to be deaf is the king....Powerful stuff - it explains where are we standing like society
10. Life Is Good - feat. Jay Park/ sorry, I'm good! like a boss
11. Eyes Nose Lips - feat. Taeyang of BigBang/ one more from #kpopthursdayposts...can I just say - I adore this song! I really do.....(They say that time flies, but you keep breakin its wings...)
12. Shoebox - not sure who the vocalist is/this song is about the importance of family and home ... (It's gonna be a late night, but baby I'm comin home...)
Full Album:
I hope you'll like it!
(and I hope you'll understand why I was fangirling over this album like crazy for the past two weeks)
If you're not shy, tell me which one(s) you like the best...?
Perfect day to say THANK YOU- to whoever reads LooLoo's (interesting/boring...) posts!
A little heart for you guys!
BIG THANKS to all of you - my dear readers from Serbia, USA, UK, Germany, Italy, Russia, Poland, South Korea, Indonesia, Belgium, Ukraine and Philippines (so far)